Datacenter is one of the most expensive real estates that carry high-end infrastructure - deploying mission-critical workloads, and storing high-risk intellectual data. When building a datacenter many factors are considered, most importantly - business site location, vulnerability assessment in terms of natural disasters, terrorism, and the associated loss in terms of revenues and growth of the company.
When it comes to building a data center, Pi does complete due diligence checks on physical aspects, including security, temperature control, availability of resources, network, power, and manpower. Datacenter strategies for companies are heavily influenced by the importance of location and security. Pi's redundant data centers and continuity planning, along with 8 levels of security, ensure these factors are effectively addressed.
Both Greenfield and Brown field Project Modes
SITC (Supply Installation Testing & Commissioning) of Data Center Infra components
Setup Physical security layers (Bollards, Baggage/Body Scanners, CCTV, Biometric access, Turnstiles, Tubestiles, Electric fencing etc...)
Design Certification
Indigenous/In-house design and solutions
Inhouse ATDs (Accredited Tier Designers) - No need to hire consultants
Inhouse ATS (Accredited Tier Specialist) - No need to hire consultants
End-to-end support in Data Center Build
Support in Tier Certifications
Support in O & M