A datacenter is required to serve the purpose of organizing, processing, storing and disseminating large amounts of data securely. Datacenter build would require meticulous planning, designing and construction. A full-fledged analysis is undertaken to check on network availability, seismic zone, power water and manpower to build and manage a datacenter.
Pi comes fully armed with experts in the industry and experience of setting up the world’s fourth largest Uptime institute Tier 4 datacenter in India. Pi undertakes complete due diligence, site survey and presents a project plan basis customers requirement. Pi will review your current setup and consider factors such as your business plan, technology landscape, and future projections to determine the appropriate level of design (Tier III or Tier IV) for your needs. This will involve analyzing your growth projections and presenting a high-level design.
Datacenter consultancy services include:
• Datacenter consulting and planning
• Datacenter design
• Build
• Operate